What is guest post

What is Guest Post? Write for Us!

A guest post is simply an article written by someone other than the regular author or staff writer of a blog or website. These articles are usually written by people who have something valuable to share with the site’s readers and are often experts in their field or niche.

A guest blog is an excellent way to introduce yourself to new audiences and can also help build relationships with other bloggers and thought-leaders in your industry. If you’re thinking of writing a guest post, consider these tips to make sure your article is well-received and has the biggest impact possible.

To be considered for a guest post and to discuss rates per post, please send me an email at [email protected].

Benefits of writing a guest post:

There are several benefits to guest posting, including:

1. Increased traffic to your website/blog

2. Improved SEO rankings

3. The opportunity to build relationships with other bloggers/writers

4. The chance to share your expertise with a wider audience

5. Free publicity for your business or personal brand

6. The potential to earn money from guest posting (if you’re paid for your article)

How Guest Blogging Improves SEO

By writing articles for other people’s blogs, you can increase your exposure and get more traffic to your site. But did you know that guest blogging can also improve your SEO?

Here’s how:

1. High-Quality Content:

When you write a guest blog post, you create new content for the host site. This content didn’t exist before and is likely to be high quality since you’re an expert on the topic.

2. Inbound Links:

Each guest blog post includes your website’s link. These links are valuable to search engines since they show your site is being talked about and linked to from other places on the web.

3. Social Shares:

A well-written guest blog post will likely be shared on social media, giving your website even more exposure. And each time it’s shared, there’s another chance for someone to click through to your site.

4. High Authority Backlinks:

If you guest blog on a site with high domain authority, you’ll get a valuable backlink to your site. This can help improve your SEO by increasing your own site’s authority in the eyes of Google.

5. Increased Traffic:

Of course, SEO’s ultimate goal is to increase website traffic. And guest blogging can certainly help with that. By getting your name and website in front of new people, you’re likely to see an uptick in traffic from search engines and social media.

Anchor Text in SEO

Anchor text is the text that appears on a web page as a hyperlink. Links have anchor texts that are clickable, visible text on a web page that users can see and click on. Users are taken to the linked page when they click on the anchor text.

Anchor text is an important factor in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because it tells search engines what the linked page is about. The anchor text of a link can be either keyword-rich or brand-related. If the anchor text is keyword-rich, the linked page is relevant to that keyword and can appear higher in the search engine results page (SERPs).

Here are different types of Anchor text:

Html for the creation of a link with the target=”_blank” attribute, which tells browsers to open a new window or tab:

<a href=”https://example.com” target=”_blank”>Anchor text</a>

The above code will create a link with the anchor text “Anchor text” that will lead to a new window or tab that contains the linked page.

Few more different types of anchor text are:

1. Exact match:

Exactly match anchor text is anything that exactly matches a keyword. For example, if you’re trying to rank for the keyword “blue widgets,” an exact match anchor text would be “blue widgets.”

2. Partial match:

 A partial match anchor text is an anchor text that includes a keyword but is not an exact match. For example, if you’re trying to rank for the keyword “blue widgets,” a partial match anchor text might be “buy blue widgets here.”

3. Branded:

A branded anchor text is an anchor text that includes the brand name of a company or website. For example, if you’re linking to the website “example.com,” a branded anchor text might be “example.com” or “visit example.com.”

4. Generic:

A generic anchor text is an anchor text that doesn’t include any keywords, brand names, or other identifiable information. For example, a generic anchor text might be “click here,” “read more,” or “learn more.”

5. Naked link:

A naked link is a hyperlink that doesn’t include any anchor text. The URL of the linked page is typically displayed instead of anchor text. Naked links are sometimes used for affiliate links or links to pages that are not indexable by search engines.

Benefits of high authority backlink:

According to Google’s Algorithm, high authority backlinks are the most valuable. Google loves websites with high authority backlinking to them. This strongly signals to Google that your website is important and trustworthy.

A website with high authority backlinks also tends to rank higher in SERP because Google gives more importance to those websites.

Determine Your Desire Target Keywords

The first step is to develop a list of target keywords that you would like your website to rank for on search engines. You can use keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, KWFinder, Moz Keyword Explorer, etc., to find relevant keywords for your business.

Targeting keywords that users are likely to look for while searching for your product or services is essential. You can also analyze your competitor’s website to know which keywords they are targeting to rank their website.

Moreover, you should also focus on long-tail keywords because they are easy to rank compared to short-tail keywords and have a higher conversion rate.

Make Sure On-Page Optimization Perfect

Once you have finalized your target keywords, it’s time to optimize your website pages as per those keywords. Here are some on-page optimization tips that you should follow:

– Use target keywords in Title Tag, Meta Description, Heading Tags (H1, H2), Alt Tags, etc.

– Target keyword should appear in the first 100 words of your web page content.

– Use LSI keywords (Synonyms) to make your content more relevant and interesting.

– Optimize your website images using target keywords in image file names and alt tags.

– Interlink your website pages with each other to reduce the bounce rate and improve user experience.

– Use external and internal links to make your content more valuable.

– Use keyword-rich anchor text for links.

– Optimize your website speed and mobile responsiveness because they are also the ranking factors.

Collect High Authority Backlinks:

There are several SEO techniques that help your website to rank higher in SERPs. So, while doing off-page SEO for your website, you should focus on link-building activities. Here are some link-building methods that you can use:

– Guest Posting:

Find out the websites in your industry where you can submit a guest post. Ensure the website has a high domain authority and a good reputation.

– Broken Link Building:

In this method, you have to find the broken links of high authority websites and then notify the website owner. Once they fix that broken link, ask them to replace it with your website link.

– Profile Creation:

 Create your profile on high authority websites and include your website link in the profile section.

– Forum Posting:

 Participate in online forums and include your website link in the signature section.

– Directory Submission:

 Submit your website to high-quality web directories.

– Social Bookmarking:

 Share your website links on social bookmarking websites.

Requirements For Guest Posting On My Site:

That said, there are a few things I do ask of all Guest Post contributors:

  • First and foremost, your guest post must be original content that has not been published elsewhere online. I do not accept pre-written articles or posts that are simply repurposed from other sources. Before posting it on my site, I will pass it through a plagiarism checker. That simply means the quality of the content matters.
  • I reserve the right to edit your guest post for clarity, grammar, and length. However, I will not make any major changes to the content or tone of your piece without consulting with you first.
  • Please include a short bio (1-2 sentences) and a headshot with your guest post submission. If your guest post is selected for publication, these will be used along with your article.
  • Guest posts must be at least 700-1500 words in length. However, shorter articles are always welcome and encouraged!
  • It must include keywords organically. There must not be keyword stuffing.
  • The article must contain at least 1 high-quality image related to posts.
  • Commercial links will not be entertained in a guest post. If you want me to consider commercial links, discuss their rates separately with me via mail.

In Return, What You Will Get:

  • 2 high-quality do-follow links relating to your niche

The most effective guest posts will have do-follow backlinks to your site. While it may seem small, those little links can add up and greatly impact your traffic.

Feel free to ask me anything that sparks in your mind related to guest posting on my site. New and innovative ideas are always welcome.

Marketing “submit a guest post.”

SEO “submit a guest post.”

submit a guest post on Technology

Contributor Guidelines

submit a guest post

Health + write for us + guest post

Technology + “write for us” + guest post

Accepting guest posts “submit guest post” + “Education”

Web design write for us

Guest Post Opportunities

“Business” “submit guest post.”

Submit blog post

write for us about web development

Write for us Technology

Technology Write for us

Your Keyword “guest post opportunities.”

Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”

Business Technology writes for us

write for us magazine

Your Keyword “guest post.”

Your Keyword “write for us.”

Your Keyword “guest article”

write for us travel

write for us tech

Your Keyword “submit blog post.”

Your Keyword “contribute to our site.”

keyword “accepting guest posts.”

Guest Blogging Opportunities

inurl:write for us

write for us blog

If you have any questions about my Guest Post Guidelines or the submission process, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to reading your work!

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