Speed up a Mobility Scooter

How to Speed up a Mobility Scooter: 3 Easiest Tips

Mobility scooters are easy to use and are preferred for covering short distances. They provide excellent value to older people and people who need to move around freely without depending on anyone.

They are battery-powered and available at an affordable price, making them an excellent mode of transportation. Furthermore, they are pretty popular among people due to their low-cost maintenance. Thus, their ease of moving around and portability make them the perfect choice for exploring new venues.

The mobility scooters are pretty popular among the younger generation. But, do you know can a mobility scooter be made to go faster? Yes, it’s possible. Questions like these often come to mind of people who need to cover extra miles!

Three Easiest Tips:

These mobility vehicles are limited to a certain speed to avoid accidents. But, if you are curious, how can I make my mobility scooter go faster? You have to alter the settings. Let’s discuss different methods to increase the pace of mobility vehicles.

  • Rewinding of Motor:

Rewinding a motor can help increase the momentum of a mobility vehicle; a 25 mph mobility scooter can move faster if its motor coil is winded so that its winding loops number decreases.

The decrease in winding loops will decrease the torque and acceleration of the machine in the starting phase, but as the momentum builds up, the speed will start increasing gradually. The motor should be done by a professional. Any newcomer can damage your motor.

  • Get Rid of the Speed Limiter:

Almost all the scooters come with speed limiters; the primary purpose is to limit the speed to a certain point to approve the maneuverability. Usually, these smaller machines are designed for tiny spaces, curves, and smaller distances. Therefore, speed is always kept under control for better handling and balancing to provide ease of riding and control.

But, do you know how to remove speed limiters on mobility scooter? Speed limiters are attached with motors. Do it professionally to alter them. Your lack of experience can damage the motor mechanics. 

Top-end heavy-duty record-making 70 mph mobility scooter is already providing enough speed; you can remove their limiters as well, but it’s enough speed for a vehicle this small.

  • Change a Battery or Replace it with a Bigger Battery:

It’s the easiest way and primarily opts by many people. If your machine is too slow, you can call it a mobility scooter 15 mph. But you can also improve your scooter’s speed by changing its battery. Rechargeable batteries are worn out with time; they lose their strength to generate enough power and slow down the vehicle. When this happens, it’s time to change the older batteries.

The question may arise here can you upgrade mobility scooter batteries for greater range? Yes, it is possible to upgrade your scooter’s battery, but make sure to check the ratings and place where you need to place a bigger battery. A new and bigger battery drastically increases your vehicle’s speed and range.


Let’s discuss a few most frequently asked questions by users who want to increase the speed of their mobility scooters.

  • How are Speed controls in Mobility scooters?

The mobility scooter speed controller controls the speed. You can manage your speed to different levels.

  • How fast can a mobility scooter go?

Usually, mobility scooters are limited to low speeds to avoid discomfort or accidents. According to their class, they can go up to 25 miles an hour.

  • Which one is better, three-wheeler or four-wheeler?

It depends on the terrain. If you are moving in an uneven space, you rely on four-wheelers; if you are moving in a short space with a sharp smaller turn, you can use three-wheelers for good maneuverability.

  • How durable and long-lasting mobility scooter battery?

Well, it depends; if your usage is too much and you charge and discharge more than average, then it will last for a bit of time; average batteries last till 18 to 24 months before they require any replacement.

  • What is the primary reason for a slow scooter?

Weaker and older batteries are the most common reason behind the slow-down of mobility scooters.


Mobility scooters provide excellent maneuverability in small spaces and shorter distances. Due to their design and particular purpose, they are limited to a certain speed. But with time’s passage, their speed may decrease due to battery-generated power. One can increase the speed of a mobility scooter to its need.

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