How to Shorten Chainsaw Chain Without Tool

How to Shorten Chainsaw Chain Without Tool?

The chainsaw chain plays a critical role in the overall performance and efficiency of the chainsaw. However, there are instances where the chain may need to be shortened to ensure optimal cutting performance. While various tools are available for this purpose, shortening a chainsaw chain is possible without using specialized tools.

In this article, we will explore different methods and techniques that allow you to adjust the length of your chainsaw chain without additional tools. Whether you find yourself in a situation where a tool is not readily available or prefer a more hands-on approach, these methods will come in handy.

Method 1: Using a Bench Vise

A bench vise can be useful for shortening a chainsaw chain without requiring specialized equipment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a bench vise to shorten your chainsaw chain:

1. Secure the chain: Begin by securely placing the chainsaw chain in the bench vise’s jaws. Ensure the chain is positioned correctly to allow easy access to the excess links.

2. Remove excess links: Use a hammer and a punch to drive out the spare links’ rivets. You must tap the punch with a hammer until all rivets are removed. The chain must be handled with care during this process to prevent damage.

3. Ensure proper tension: Check the chain’s tension once the excess links have been removed. It’s crucial to maintain the proper tension for optimal cutting performance. Adjust the tension if necessary, and ensure the chain is properly aligned on the chainsaw bar.

4. Reattach the chain: Carefully reattach the shortened chain to the chainsaw bar with the desired length. Ensure it is securely fastened and aligned properly before cutting tasks.

Method 2: Using Vice Grip Pliers

Vice grip pliers can be a versatile alternative tool for shortening a chainsaw chain. Follow these steps to shorten your chainsaw chain using vice grip pliers:

1. Secure the chain: Begin by gripping the chain with the vice grip pliers, ensuring a firm and secure hold. Position the pliers at the chain section where you want to remove the excess links.

2. Remove excess links: Use a punch and a hammer to drive out the rivets connecting the excess links. Gently tap the punch to dislodge the rivets, ensuring no damage to the chain during this process. Continue until all necessary excess links have been removed.

3. Adjust tension: After shortening the chain, verify its tension. Proper tension is essential for safe and efficient cutting. Adjust the tension as needed and ensure the chain is properly aligned on the chainsaw bar.

4. Reattach the chain: Once you’re satisfied with the length and tension of the chain, carefully reattach it to the chainsaw bar. Ensure it is securely fastened and properly aligned for optimal cutting performance.

Method 3: Using a File

Using a file is another method for shortening a chainsaw chain without a tool. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to accomplish this:

1. Mark the chain: Begin by marking the desired cutting point on the chainsaw chain. Use a permanent marker or a similar tool to make a clear and visible mark on the chain.

2. File the chain: Secure it in a stable position, ensuring it doesn’t move while filing. With a flat file, carefully file the marked section of the chain, applying even pressure and maintaining a consistent angle. Continue filling until the chain is cut to the desired length.

3. Align cutting teeth: Once the chain is shortened, make sure the cutting teeth are properly aligned. This alignment ensures optimal cutting efficiency and reduces the risk of kickback. Adjust the teeth using a file or chainsaw tooth alignment tool as necessary.

4. Reattach the chain: Reattach the shortened chain to the chainsaw bar after completing the necessary adjustments. Ensure it is securely fastened and properly aligned before cutting tasks.

Method 4: Using a Bolt Cutter

A bolt cutter can shorten a chainsaw chain if a tool is not readily available. Follow these steps to shorten your chainsaw chain using a bolt cutter:

1. Position the chain: Position the chainsaw chain on a stable surface. Ensure it is flat and doesn’t move during the cutting process.

2. Cut the chain: Using a bolt cutter, carefully position the chain within the cutter’s jaws. Apply steady pressure to cut through the excess links, producing a clean cut. Avoid damaging the surrounding chain links while cutting.

3. Smooth the cut end: Use a file to smooth and remove any rough edges or burrs on the cut end after cutting the chain. This step helps prevent premature wear and tear and ensures smooth operation.

4. Adjust the tension and reattach: Verify the tension of the shortened chain and adjust it if necessary. Once satisfied, reattach the chain to the chainsaw bar, ensuring it is securely fastened and properly aligned.

Method 5: Using a Hacksaw

A hacksaw can be a handy alternative tool for shortening a chainsaw chain. Here’s a step-by-step guide on using a hacksaw for this purpose:

1. Mark the chain: Start by marking the chain section you want to remove. Use a permanent marker or similar tool to create a clear and visible mark on the chain.

2. Secure the chain: Secure the chainsaw chain in a stable position, ensuring it doesn’t move during cutting. A vise or clamps provide the necessary stability.

3. Cut the chain: Using a hacksaw, carefully cut through the marked section of the chain. Apply even pressure and maintain a consistent cutting angle. Take your time to ensure a clean and accurate cut.

4. File the cut edge: Once the chain is cut, use a file to smooth and remove any rough edges on the cut end. This step helps prevent premature wear and ensures optimal cutting performance.

5. Reattach the chain: Reattach the shortened chain to the chainsaw bar after completing the necessary adjustments. Ensure it is securely fastened and properly aligned for safe and efficient cutting.

Safety Precautions

It’s crucial to prioritize safety when working with a chainsaw chain or engaging in any form of chainsaw maintenance. Here are some essential safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.
  • Take necessary precautions to securely hold the chain during cutting to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Avoid using excessive force on the chainsaw chain or improper techniques that could damage the chain or other components.
  • Familiarize yourself with the chainsaw’s safety features and operation manual before adjusting or modifying it.
  • Exercise caution and work in a well-ventilated area to minimize the risk of injury or accidents.

Alternative Options and Considerations

While the methods mentioned above provide effective ways to shorten a chainsaw chain without specialized tools, there are alternative options worth considering. Depending on the specific situation, you may find the following methods or tools suitable:

– Chainsaw chain breakers: These tools are specifically designed to remove and replace links in a chainsaw chain, offering a more precise and efficient approach.

– Professional assistance: If you are uncertain or uncomfortable performing the chain shortening process, you should seek professional help from a certified chainsaw technician or a reputable chainsaw service center.

When choosing the appropriate method, consider factors such as the availability of tools, personal skill level, and the extent of chain shortening required.

Maintenance Tips for Chainsaw Chains

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your chainsaw chain. Here are some maintenance tips to keep in mind:

1. Regular chain inspection: Inspect the chain for any signs of damage, such as bent or broken links. Replace damaged links promptly to prevent further complications.

2. Proper chain sharpening: Maintain sharp-cutting teeth by regularly sharpening the chain using a suitable file or a chainsaw sharpener. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for correct filing angles and techniques.

3. Correct tension adjustment: Maintain the proper tension of the chainsaw chain by following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Improper tension can lead to reduced cutting performance and increased wear.

4. Adequate lubrication: To reduce friction and prevent premature wear, keep the chainsaw chain adequately lubricated. Use a high-quality chainsaw bar and chain oil for optimal lubrication.

5. Clean after use: After each use, remove debris and sawdust from the chain to prevent clogging and ensure smooth operation. Use a brush or compressed air to clean the chain thoroughly.


Shortening a chainsaw chain without specialized tools is possible through various methods, each offering advantages and considerations. Whether you choose to use a bench vise, vice grip pliers, a file, a bolt cutter, or a hacksaw, it’s essential to prioritize safety and follow the proper steps for a successful chain-shortening process.

By maintaining regular chain maintenance and adhering to safety guidelines, you can optimize the performance and lifespan of your chainsaw chain. Select the most suitable method based on your preferences and available resources, and enjoy efficient and precise cutting with your chainsaw.

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