How to slow down on a skateboard

How to slow down on a skateboard?

A longboard skateboard can reach 90 kilometers per hour (145 kilometers per hour) on a mountain road. As a result, it can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone who does not know how to stop it before it is too late!

It is important to learn to put the brakes on a skateboard and should always be a priority when you start riding the skateboard. There are various strategies for slowing down a skateboard. And, today, we will let you know them all.

You are advised to wear a helmet while training, and let’s get started!

Right ways to Slow down a skateboard

Slowing down a skateboard is not as easy as hitting a button. There are more than ways to slow down a skateboard, and each one of them needs knowledge about skateboard riding. Three main techniques that enable you to slow down on your skateboard are foot braking, power slides, and curving, whether you are new to skating or have learned the basics of rolling a skateboard.

Foot braking

Well, foot braking is the easiest to do for beginners. A little more advanced braking technique is to powerslide. It’s that sudden 90-degree turn that you do when braking on a snowboard, except it’s on a skateboard.

You can use a board tail, your back foot‘s heel, or a mixture of both for dragging and speed reduction with an increase in friction. You lean your upper body back while turning your board at a 90° position while your foot pushes the board forward.

Skid back foot on the ground. If you are skating or rolling down the hill or skating on windy days, expect your board speed to be higher than average. Start down the road or highway; 3. Slowly lower your riding position; 4. Remove your back foot from the board and slide it close to the ground, leaving your lead foot forward.

Power slides

Make clear that your skateboard riding is easy on flat surfaces. Once you can climb the mountains and know heasy on flat surfacesow to lower your board, you can move on to the power slides. One main problem with such a type of braking is that you will damage your shoes immediately.

Jump from the skateboaWhenever you feel unsafe, jump off the skateboard before reaching uncontrollable speeds. Frontside Powerslide As you are very familiar with skating.

Front Foot Power Slide

Never try power slide for the first time on the descent. Get used to the smooth, flat surface. Here’s how to do the front side power slide:

  1. Gain speed.
  2. Get ready for the slide by bending your knees.
  3. Apply pressure on your toes by placing your back foot upon the board’s tail.
  4. Keep front foot close to board nose, on the opposite side of the truck, and put weight onto the whole sole.
  5. Keep your body in the center of the skateboard.
  6. Apply pressure on the front foot using it as a turning axis.
  7. Push the board tail in the forwarding direction with your back foot’s toe.

Four wheels power slides are quite handy when going downhills. It helps slow you down and keeps you in speed control. Wheels play a significant role in power slides. The slide will be more comfortable if the wheels are harder.


Make a curving while noticing high speed on board. The easiest way to slow down your board is to make turns or do a curving. Making loops reduces your board speed due to board turns sideways. Jump off while you feel unsafe.

If you cannot do any techniques to slow down your board because of the board’s high speed, then it is time to get off your board. In this manner, you are pretty certain to be safe. Having movement in a straight direction can accelerate your skateboard’s speed.

Sliding gloves

Have special disk within palms so that skaters can put their palms on the ground while sliding. It’s not the primary way to break, but it does add friction to a skateboarder as they turn. which might help them stop with a power slide.

Protective gear

All that being said, wear some protective gear and look up how to do a “judo roll.” When you go flying off your board without any protection, you should know how to mitigate damage by rolling on your shoulder.

Wear always protective gear (like knee pads and wrist guards) at all times in case you need to make an emergency slide stop. Sliding your board out from under you, either glove down or stand up, using the right technique, and sliding out your board speed in an epic drift has proven to be the most effective way to slow down your speed.

Foot brake

It is just taking a foot off the board, and while balancing, you drag your foot on the ground to slow down. This is the easiest way to slow down, and everyone should learn. Drag the flat foot on the ground to slow you down—heel Brake.

Lift the front wheels, drop your heel down, and drag it on the ground. It is tricky to keep balance. Make sure not to drag the deck. It will wear it down into a razor tail. That is no good. Roll to the rough. Pick some short grass or even gravel.

Board’s tail

Start by adding very light pressure against the ground using your foot. (As always, wear shoes when longboarding or skateboarding!) As you get balanced and slow down, put more pressure on your back foot.

Then, let your back foot slide and return to its vertical position by putting pressure on your toes and stepping upon the board’s tail. Bend down knees and get ready for slide; 3. With your back foot on board’s tail, apply pressure to your toes; 4. Keep front foot near the nose of the board, on the opposite truck side, and put weight onto the whole sole; 5. Maintain your body on the center of the skateboard.

Short grass

Pick some short grass or gravel roll off the smooth concrete and into the grass. The added friction will slow you down. If you are going too fast, doing this might cause you to fall off. Try carving to slow down.

Be sure to crouch and brace yourself for the transition into the grass. You can both turn or stop at a similar time, so you have full control of your board. You’ll often call people this way to stop a heel brake.


There are a few good ways to stop on a skateboard and some bad ways. You can use the tail of the board, your back foot’s heel, or a mix of both to increase friction and drag and reduce speed. To avoid losing balance, keep your head above the board; remember that if your weight goes forward too much, the skateboard may stack on the ground, causing it to stop suddenly.

Never try the frontside powerslide for the first time on a downhill. Practice it on smooth, flat grounds. Not knowing much about how to lessen your skateboard speed may put you in jeopardy.

Moreover, your skateboard experience will not be enjoyable. It might result in accidents or deaths if you skate on busy streets. Most probably, we do not want these things to happen to you. To avoid losing balance, keep your head above the board.

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